Vermilion Sands Solar Panel Data for 2022 weather * blog

2022 results

Output = 1,537.343kWh
Average = 4.212kWh/day

Revenue = £951.34
Average = £2.606/day

2022 was the best year we've had for both earnings and generation. This means that five of the sunniest years have occurred in the last six years, with only 2015 the outlier. It was the first time there's been five consecutive months over 200kWh (April to August), with a very sunny August contributing our best ever result for that month, and by a substantial margin.

2022 was also the warmest ever year in the UK, and we recorded our highest ever temperature on 19 July: 39.2°C.

There were two days over 13kWh and no zero-watt days in 2022.

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2022 month by month

Installation details

Location: Leeds, UK
Panels: 9 x Kyocera KD240GH-2FB
Max output: 2.16kW (240W/panel)
Estimated annual output: 1,800.60kWh
Positioning: Flat roof facing S
Commissioning date: 2011-12-02